Sunday, January 31, 2010

my infatuation with graduation.

today i registered for graduation. can i say that again? today i registered for GRADUATION. as in, graduating from college. today i registered for graduation. on april 30, 2o1o, i will be a college grad. i'd like to formally invite all of you who read my blog to attend the ceremony. today i registered for graduation and i felt a little bit like crying my eyes out. for a few reasons. one being that i am so excited! another being that i am dreading the months ahead, sooo many simulations (if you're not sure what i mean by that, feel free to call me and i'll explain it to you, i'm not promising a great time). soooo many case studies. sooooooooo many countless hours spent studying and studying again. today i registered for graduation.



Abbie said...


that is very exciting. very very.

Ali said...

you little...

Kara said...

Hey that's so exciting! I bet it felt pretty good!

Mrs. Hornberger said...

OMG me and owen will totally be there!
(not because jareds graduating...just for you :) )