or rather, I'm obsessed. Like literally.
For those of you who know me or have been around me any time within the past three months you know I cannot stop talking about getting a bike. When asked what is wrong, my usual reply is simply, bike. When curtis asks what I want for dinner I say, bike. I dream about bikes. I get upset when I see people on bikes (that is no joke, I sometimes find myself getting teary-eyed). I get headaches thinking about which bike would be my perfect fit. Well my headache subsided when I saw this little beauty strolling with an undeserving girl.
I trust all of you to not steal this bike from me. I must save my whole life to buy it. I give permission only to lindey who helped me find out where I could purchase.
Ah, I can't see the picture!!!
The pic isn't showing up! I'm very moved that I'm the only soul who you give that permission to!
I was wondering why your eyes are so red all the time. Now I know.
I also wondered why you were wandering aimlessly around the house last night and whispering "bike, bike, bike"
Now I know.
I am so very sad that I cannot see the pic of the bike. Please. Please. Post a link. STAT.
I will donate a whole 10 dollars to your cause. Mel must be made whole.
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