Post these rules on your blog.
Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog.
3 Joys
3 Fears
3 Goals
3 Current obsessions/collections
3 Random/surprising facts
Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 Joys:
1. My friends and fam and my dogs.
2. Shopping.
3. The bachelor (london calling).
3 Fears:
1. Falling off of a tredmill.
2. Getting a bad haircut.
3. Never being able to shop.
3 Goals:
1. Graduatinig school.
2. Participate in a marathon.
3. Be domestic.
3 Current obsessions/collections:
1. Diet Dr Peper.
2. T shirts.
3. Going green.
3 Random surprising facts:
1. I have no coordination.. i know.. shocker!
2. I think i am double jointed in my thumb.
3. I love to eat. again, shocker!
I'm going to tag My mom, my sis, and amanda
I knew all those things about you. Except the "going green" and the "marathon" I thought it was a triathlon. Anyway, you WILL do reach all your goals. I know you will.
You'd do that for me??? Get me a sample? I'm assuming it was you that wrote that comment, I got the same one from you and your mom...interesting...I love the molester!
A few things I knew and a few I didn't know! Muy interesante. Now...about your sister...does she have a blog?!!!
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